Colonsay Black Bees

The Colonsay Black Bees are a pure and isolated population of European Brown Bees (Apis mellifera mellifera).

Their importance to genetic conservation was recognised by the Scottish Government, when they passed The Beekeeping (Colonsay and Oronsay) Order 2013.

Beekeeping Courses

Why not combine a weekend beekeeping course with a visit to one of Scotland’s most remote and beautiful islands. 

Courses are taught at three levels:-
Beginners – to suit complete beginners and those with some background and who are perhaps starting with their own bees.
Intermediate – to suit those with some experience but who wish to improve skills.
Queen Rearing – to help those who wish to raise their own queens and have available for others.

Colonsay Honey

Isle of Colonsay Wildflower Honey is unique, not only because of its taste but also because of its provenance. Amongst honeys it is ranked with the best. Bees and quality honey are something of a rarity on small windswept islands.

What gives Isle of Colonsay Wildflower Honey it’s special flavour?


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